- Professional
Shaanxi is a province of the People's Republic of China, officially part of the Northwest China region. It includes portions of the Loess Plateau on the middle reaches of the Yellow River in addition to the Qin Mountains (Qinling) across the southern part of this province.
The geography of the area is described as being part of the Ordos Desert in the north along the border with Inner Mongolia, the Loess Plateau in the central part of the province, the Qin Mountains (Qinling) running east to west in the south central part, and subtropical climate south of the Qinling. In between the Loess Plateau and the Qinling lies the Wei River Valley, or Guanzhong, a cradle of early Chinese civilization.
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Shaanxi, China
JIACHENG Stationery and office supplies Head Co.
- Contractor
Xi'an XIANGYANG Aerospace Materials Co. Ltd. Environment protection Vessel CHANG
- Wholesale
Xi'an RONGQIAO Real & estate Development Co. Ltd.
- Supplies
Xi'an DONGSHUN Environment Engineering Co. Ltd.
- Supplies
- Service
Some interesting companies are in the following list:
ShanghaiNo. 299 Wulu Muqi South Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
GuangdongGuhe Mingqing Furniture Market, Sanxiang Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong
JiaxinXice, Fute Road, Xiuzhou Industrial Park, Jiaxin, Zhejiang
ChangzhouYaoguan, Changzhou, Jiangsu
TongluHangzhou Fuxing Nanyuan 50# 1102, Tonglu County, Zhejiang
Jiangxi248#, Changhong Avenue, Jiujiang, Jiangxi
DongguanHumen Zhenxin Lianguan Liqu, Dongguan, Guangdong
ZhongshanNo. 30 Shengfu Street, Henglan Town Sansha Industrial Park, Zhongshan, Guangdong
DongguanDongguan, Guangdong
ShanghaiMinxing High-Tech Yuan, Shanghai
ZhanjiangAdvertise Mansion 2# 1 Fl., Nanfang Road, Zhanjiang, Guangdong
LangfangNo. 20 Hongrun Road, Economy Technology Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei
DatongChixin Mansion 8F C, Datong, Shanxi
Yongjia8Pai No. 66, Shangtang Town Chenao Industrial Park, Yongjia County, Zhejiang
BaodingChangcheng Apartment 14-A, Qiyi Middle Road, Baoding, Hebei
ZhejiangNo. 1999 Waihuan East Road, Economy Development Zone, Jiashan, Zhejiang
LeqingNo. 227 Weishiba Road, Economy Development Zone, Leqing, Zhejiang
Kunshan18#, Chezhan South Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu
XiamenTaishang Huiguan 11 Fl. A C Danyuan, No. 860 Xianyue Road, Xiamen, Fujian
BeijingTreasures Mansion Commercial Building 7 Fl., No. 100 Xisanhuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing
XinhuaJingjiang Dongjiao Industry Park 6, Xinhua, Jiangsu
Taizhou (Jiangsu)No. 16 Jianggao Road, Gaoxin Technology Development Zone, Taizhou, Jiangsu
ZhangjiagangZhenfeng Village, Leyu Town, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu
LiaoningTuchengzi Village, Sanjianbao Town, Lushunkou District
DongguanShipai Industrial Park, Dongguan, Guangdong